IT-Service für Frauen

Ich biete professionelle IT-Beratung und Unterstützung mit über 18 Jahren Erfahrung in der IT-Branche und Großunternehmen.

two women using laptops
two women using laptops
MacBook Pro
MacBook Pro

Deine IT-Spezialistin

Ich helfe Dir bei Hardware- und Softwarekäufen, Installation, Wartung und Schulungen für Windows 11, Browser, Office-Programme und mehr.

IT Beratung

Professionelle Unterstützung für Ihre IT-Projekte und Vorhaben.

A group of four women are sitting around a circular glass coffee table. One woman is holding a phone, another is writing in a notebook, and a third is gesturing while holding a pink mug. A potted plant is placed at the center of the table, and a laptop is open in front of one of the women.
A group of four women are sitting around a circular glass coffee table. One woman is holding a phone, another is writing in a notebook, and a third is gesturing while holding a pink mug. A potted plant is placed at the center of the table, and a laptop is open in front of one of the women.
Software Planung

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Software- und Hardware-Planung.

Four women are standing together, laughing and smiling, suggesting a joyful and friendly atmosphere. They are gathered around a wooden table, with one woman holding a laptop. A potted plant and some notebooks are also visible on the table.
Four women are standing together, laughing and smiling, suggesting a joyful and friendly atmosphere. They are gathered around a wooden table, with one woman holding a laptop. A potted plant and some notebooks are also visible on the table.
Two women are working together in a bright room, surrounded by several labeled cardboard boxes on a table. One woman is pointing at a laptop screen, and both are smiling, suggesting a positive interaction. A guitar is visible in the background near a staircase.
Two women are working together in a bright room, surrounded by several labeled cardboard boxes on a table. One woman is pointing at a laptop screen, and both are smiling, suggesting a positive interaction. A guitar is visible in the background near a staircase.
Three women are standing around a wooden table with an open notebook containing handwritten notes. They appear to be engaged in discussion or collaboration. One woman is wearing a gray hat and black jacket, another has a dark sleeveless top, and the third is in a pink sleeveless blouse.
Three women are standing around a wooden table with an open notebook containing handwritten notes. They appear to be engaged in discussion or collaboration. One woman is wearing a gray hat and black jacket, another has a dark sleeveless top, and the third is in a pink sleeveless blouse.
Installation Hilfe

Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Installation Ihrer Systeme.